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Recent Stories
Diversity Book Club's Recent Titles
Contributed by Sophia Cotton The Diversity Book Club has been working through several amazing stories throughout the 2nd Quarter. We...
Students Compete in Poetry Out Loud
Contributed by Dana Hall Chariho Regional High School proudly announces Carter Stolt, Adaline LaBossiere, and Penelope Nicolas as...

Humanities Clubs Spotlight
Juste les desserts Contributed by Chloe Grissom This quarter, Juste les Desserts has baked crêpes and met to share our desserts and...

CHS Theatre Company Puts on The Giver
Contributed by Penelope Nicolas and Emma Gwiazdzinski Chariho High School Theatre Company is currently very excited to be focusing on...

Jumping The Shark
by Sasha Rogers In the media, it is easy to become obsessed with sitcoms and entertaining adaptations of one’s favorite books or tales....
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