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The Implementation of Learner Qualities

In an effort to prepare students for post-high school life, Chariho High School has replaced the citizenship grade for a grading system based on five learner qualities.

“We decided to transition to something that is deeper in terms of [student] performance,” said Superintendent Ricci. He continued, “This is a seamless emphasis on career and college-readiness.”

Instead of having a citizenship grade system with no specific standards put in place, the administration has focused on five critical skills that are essential for a student’s success in the workplace and in postsecondary education. These learner qualities include: Self-Directed Learner, Quality Producer, Collaborative Worker, Respectful Citizen, and Growth Mindset.

  • Self-Directed Learner: Learners take initiative and are active participants in the learning process. Learners make meaning by linking their story, their new learning and their purpose. Learners carefully plan their learning journey.

  • Quality Producer: Learners create organized and professional products. Learners always wonder about why and how. Learners take risks and explore in order to arrive at new solutions.

  • Collaborative Worker: Learners work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort. Learners fight for inclusion and work to ensure all voices are represented and heard.

  • Respectful Citizen: Learners are positive participants who engage others in the academic and social aspects of work. Learners have a sense of belonging, of being part of a learning community at school, at work, at home, and in social networks.

  • Growth Mindset: Learners recognize that effort creates ability. Learners know that those who work, learn. Learners demonstrate an openness and readiness to learn and understand that they are in control of their own destiny.

Since the beginning of the year high school students have been exploring these learner qualities in their advisories through presentations, activities, and self-evaluations. In the month of December, students have been conferencing with all of their teachers about where they stand and where they can improve. Then, at the end of the semester, students will meet with their teachers again and reflect.

In the future, there Learner Qualities grades will be given at the end of each semester. Halfway through the semester, students will have conferences with all of their teachers to discuss areas of strength and improvement. On the report card the Learner Quality grades will be placed next to the semester exam grade.

Next school year the Learner Qualities will also be implemented at the Middle School level. Instead of being more focused on preparing for college and the workforce, it will be more focused on preparing for high school.

Ultimately, these Learner Qualities are aimed at preparing students for being successful in the future: through their education and in their careers.

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