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CHS Adds 5 New Classes For the 2019-2020 School Year

For the next school year, Chariho High School will be adding five new and exciting classes to their already long list of courses. These classes range from all areas of study including science and the humanities.


1. Chinese II

Chariho High School will continue its Mandarin Chinese program next year with the addition of Chinese II. This course is aimed at continuing the development of the language that was learned in Chinese I, introducing more advanced language structures, and examining Chinese culture and geography.

2. Microbiology

This science course will provide students with hands-on experiences studying the microscopic world and how microscopic organism impact everyone. In addition to this, students will be use the microscope during labs in which they will make observations and make conclusion based on their findings. This course will provide foundational skills in working with organisms that are used in biotechnological industries.

3. Advanced Music Technology

This music technology course will provide students with advanced techniques in music creation through the hands-on use of studio equipment such as the keyboard and virtual instruments. Utilizing hardware and software in the music lab, students will apply these principles to their technology in both music production and postproduction. The final project will be the creation of an original music video.

4. AP Research

Next year, students currently enrolled in the AP Seminar class will be able to take this next class. After building a foundation in the AP Seminar class, students will have the opportunity to research an academic topic of individual interest and synthesize the information in an academic paper of 4,000-5,000 words. The students will then give a presentation in which they will have to defend their research and reflect upon their research once it is over.

5. Performing Arts Capstone

During the fall semester of the senior year, students in the CHARIHOtech Performing Arts program in the music and theatre arts pathways will enroll in the Performing Arts Capstone course. The course will follow an inclusive community theatre model where students will engage in leadership training, opportunities for personal growth, and application of career skills.

  • Students will engage in an online Unified Theatre training program to further their understanding of working with diverse population, especially those with special needs.

  • Students will alternatively meet with the instructor and go out on their internship to complete 60 hours of internship.

  • Students spearhead an inclusive and collaborative performing arts project that will benefit the community and utilize pre-existing partnerships with local theaters and performance groups.


You can find out more about any of these new classes in the CHS Program of Studies or ask your guidance counselor, as they are more than willing to help.

Some descriptions have been borrowed from the CHS Program of Studies.

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